on wednesday joolia came over to mine and we went up to the scotch piper to see rob and tony. on wednesday nights, when the weather is good, loads of bikers and their motorbikes gather at this tiny very old pub in the back of beyond, about 10 minutes drive from my house. it was fun, we had burgers and lager and went mullet spotting. we spotted a few different kinds of mullet:
1- classic - curly blonde traditional mullet
2 - baldy mullet - bald on top, remainders of mullet below
3 - classic female - mullet on lady
4 - punky mullet - in this case, pink and black
5 - wannabe mullet - a growing mullet, getting more beautiful every day
the mullet is a beautiful thing!!! as a special treat heres some mullet links for you:
Mullet madness!
Mullet Junky
Mullets Galore
Mullet Hunters
Mullet Bananza
after we got back we watched a film called BASEketball which stars trey parker and matt stone, of south park fame. its about 2 guys who invent a game which is a combination of baseball and basekeball rules. eventually the game becomes famous and played professionally. the great thing is that the music during the game intervals is provided by the mighty reel big fish!!!!!! even without reel big fish in it the film would still be fantastic! a definite must-see!!!!!!
anyways, on thursday i went to robs after work and then we went up to the albert pub on lark lane. we were meeting caz and some of her mates for another farewell drink cos, as i've mentioned before, shes going away tomorrow. it was a good night, pretty surreal, especially when 5 guys with guitars and accordians, greek looking, walked in and started playing beatles songs to the people in the pub. i'm sad to see caz go away again, but throughout the time shes away, she does come back every now and then.
so, anyways, after a long very hot day at work i've been doing nothing at all tonight. so far i have lazed around watching tv, and fell asleep too. listened to music and generally loafed around.. i really needed to tho!
i'm out tomorrow night for dannys birthday but i'm not going to the party at his house cos i finish at 6 and i dont see the point in trekking all the way over to crosby to then have to come back into town again. i'm going to vix house (goth vicky) for some food and drinking before hitting some pubs in town. it should be a fun night!!!!!
yet more tests.....

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