June 28, 2002

grrr was just about to publish a post and my bloody computer crashed so i've got to write it all again!!!!! AAARRGGGHHHH!!!!!

on wednesday night i went to a suprsie party for a girl in work. we all gathered in this little tiny pub (in its tiny function room) off dale street and waited for her arrival. the room was filled with balloons and there were plates of sweeties and crisps and a green day cake, as she is a big fan. when we got the word that she was nearby we all tried to be quiet and not giggle. when she came up the stairs and saw us all she was really really shocked! she went bright red and didnt know what to say! i thought she wouldve sussed it beforehand but she really didnt have a clue!

As usual when i go out wirh work i didnt have to buy myself more than 2 drinks. i just kept being bought drinks and ended up a bit drunk! every time i got near the bottom of my drink i was plied with more alcohol! i ended up having about 4 pints, 3 double vodka and oranges, a double vodka and coke and god knows how many double tia marias and coke!!! i meant to go home on the last but at 11.15pm but ended up getting a taxi about an hour later! i felt a bit rough the next day, but that was mainly just a dehydration headache caused by the combination of too much alcohol and sunburn at the same time!

i'm going out tomorrow night to meet people from a yahoo trivia club. hopefully it should be good fun. i've never met these people in the flesh before but i've spoken to them a lot over time. i just hope they're all very nice in person and that how they seem on the internet isnt too deceptive!!!

my mum is back from hospital! she ended up coming back earlier than expected because the hosiptal operated on her very first thing in the morning and decided she was well enough to go home later on that day! she is a bit sore and uncomfortable, but not too bad. she seems a lot better than i expected her to be. she showed me where the dressing and stuff are on her stomach area, and they're much smaller than i expected them to be. i'm just pleased to have her home.


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