September 11, 2002

just come back from lunch, me and karina have just been for a walk round albert dock. theres so few shops there now compared to how many there used to be. its so bloody empty down there. anyways, i bought myself a big bag of sweeties to get me through the day, and an 8 ball keyring :oD theres still loads of tourists wandering round the shops, even tho theres hardly any left. i remember the days when my mum and dad would brnig me here and it was packed with loads of weird and wonderful shops! the rent's probobaly really really high tho.... if it wasnt, you never know, quiggins could relocate to here!!!!

apparently the lamb banana thing is getting painted pink soon, for breast cancer awareness. great idea!!! i hate the lamb banana cos its so shitty but it'll look so much better in pink!!!!!! hey, maybe i'll go and put some white stripes on it and then it can be the bagpuss lamb banana!!!!!!!


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