October 21, 2002

grrrrrrrrrrr monday.... as has been well documented in blogs today, mondays are shit, period! i havent been sleeping very well lately. i've been going to bed at fairly reasonable time but i've been waking up loads during the night, therefore ending up feeling like crap the next day. slept in this morning, i turned my alarm off and did the whole... i'll get up in a minute... and then went back to sleep. woke up 10 mins before i was supposed to be leaving the house. i put my very unwashed hair in bunches, got a 60 second shower and darted out of the door. i felt soooo miserable waiting at the bus stop in the dark and in the rain.... not good. thankfully i got to work in time so all was well but i still feel like shit. gonna try and get some real sleep tonight... might try warm milk before bed cos that can work..... heres hoping!

going for a drink tomorrow night with lexy which will be kewl! we dont see each other enough!! we're going to a pub in town for a few drinks after work. cant wait!!!!


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