on saturday daytime me and rob went into town, he got some tool for college, and then we went to quiggins. i went straight upstairs to dermagraffiti and got my labrette (bottom lip) pierced. i had phoned just before we went in to see how much it was (£30) and how busy they were, and Jay (senior) said they werent busy and if i came straight up then it'd be done soon.
so i went over to the counter, signed my form thingy, sat off for a few minutes and went into the piercing room bit. i've been there before, when i got my nose pierced, and i was struck by the imaaculate cleanliness and professionalism of the place. Jay was very very professional about the way he did things. He spent about 10 mintues beforehand explaining all the do's and dont's and making sure i was ok with it all.
The actual piercing bit took about a minute. He put the clamps on my lip and then stuck the piercing tool thing through, which was a very sharp pain even with the anaesthetic he had given me beforehand, but it didnt last long. my mouth was pretty numb for a while and i couldnt talk properly, but it didnt last for too long. the really bad thing was that i was told very strictly that i'm not allowed to drink alcohol for 3 weeks. in itself it doesnt really bother me, but in the evening when we went to lexys i was in agony cos they had huge bottles of baileys, and they were mixing it with Kaluha, which is one of my favourite drinks!!!!
lexys was kewl on saturday night, even tho i was totally sober! we ended up playing pictionary, which turned into all out war cos lexys sister was just being a stroppy cow!! everyone got bored and couldnt be arsed playing after part way through the second game. me and lexy won the first game spectacularly, and then we swapped teams, and me and rob were pretty close to winning it, along with lexy and her sister.
soooooo.... me and rob got back together! i know some people are gonna think i'm mad, but at the end of the day i'm happy with my decision and no amount of criticism is going to change that. we've been talking a lot over the past couple of weeks about what happened and i know my decision is the right one. i havent been emotionally blackmailed and i havent lost my mind. i really am truly happy.
we've spoken a lot about how things have to be very different and stuff and we're just taking it one day at a time and seeing where we end up. i'm a typical gutsy girl. when we split up i always convince myself that i dont care and that i never loved the person or wanted to be with them anyway, and it often works a treat! completely manage to numb myself from everything i ever felt for that person, so that the impact of losing them hardly registers at all. kind of a survival technique i guess!
i got some new funky shoes. theyre from Buffalo. They;re blank shell toe trainers with red/orange/yellow flames down the side. i didnt expect them to come over the weekend cos i got an email from them only a few days ago saying that they wouldnt be in stock for a couple of weeks, so it was a nice suprise that they were waiting for me when i got back today!
i'm going training tomorrow and tuesday in work. at the moment i only deal with customers who have problems with their digital tv service. after training i'll be able to take calls from telephone customers and customers who have analogue (old style cable) tv. its all good cos it means that i'm more qualified and stuff. after mon and tues training, i have we and thurs as my days off. on weds i'm going to manchester with rob and his mate Simon to see Flogging Molly. Theyre an amercian irish band who are just amazing. they have a very traditional, rowdy style, using many old songs, but with the addition of electric guitars, and loads of power. kind of a folk band with a punk bands attitude. i'm really looking forward to seeing them!

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