went to the doctors this morning and got myself the preventative medication i need for migraines. i was on the same stuff a few years back. he also gave me these drink sachet things that you have to take as soon as you think you're getting a migraine and they get rid of it dead quick. from what i remember i used to get the occasional migraine even when i was on medication, but these things get rid of it before the symptoms properly emerge. i was starting to get at least one migraine a fortnight which was just becoming too much to deal with. theyre so damn painful and you really do think you're going to die, i've never known anything like it. the symptoms go right through from blinding headache, flashing lights, dizziness, not liking bright light (forgotten what the fancy phrase for that is), nausea, vomiting, numbness on one side of the body and blackouts and beyond. i've only had a couple of very serious ones before now, but even the mild ones are fucking nasty!!!
my pink baby-g watch arrived today. i won an auction for it on ebay. i'd wanted one for years but could never justify spending 60 wuid on a watch for myself when i already have one (a very nice silver Animal watch that rob bought me). i won this one for about 25 quid which is such a bargain. especially considering that this one is brand spanking new and never been worn!!!!! i woulda settle for a second-hand one for that price, but this one is obviously new. its just soooo damn pretty!!!
just been doing housework and catching up on the girly tasks that need to be done such as plucking eyebrows and cutting nails. i'm off to robs later for the evening, which'll be nice :o) havent really got much planned for my next 2 days off. my mum and dad are hopefully getting a new puppy tomorrow or friday. theyre getting a manchester terrier which is a small doberman coloured dog. i love puppies, so i will be spending lots of time playing with it (realisitcally probably being pissed on and chewed), which'll be good fun. they grow to about 40 cms high at their shoulder and apparently have a nice temperament. this is what they look like:

i'd have chosen another breed if it was up to me, but they do seem really sweet.
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