May 29, 2004

went to lexys last night loaded with subway club sarnies mmmmmmmmm and red wine. we were later joined by lee and julia to watch the last ever episode of friends. it was an hour long emotional rollercoaster that was the best way they could have ended the show. it wasnt a cop out, i mean i kinda guessed what would happen in the end but it happened in a really good way, you'll know what i mean if you saw it.

we then watched the first big brother programme. what a bunch of tits, i'm sorry but not one of them made me want to watch it again, theyre either really fucking dull or just plain irritating or even both at the same time!!!

went to town today with lee. we went up to raphaels as he hasnt been there before. he got himself 2 pairs of jeans and i got one pair and ordered one to be ready on friday. if you've never been to raphaels then you should. they make jeans of all different cuts and they will also custom make jeans for you for whatever waist and leg length you want if they havent got them in stock. they do all sorts of fabrics, denims, cords and other stuff. and for the bargain price of round a tenner!!!! they really are amazing!

i also got a couple of pairs of casual trousers from dorothy perkins as our dress code is relaxed in work for june and i wanted to be comfortable cos its so damn hot in there all day at the moment! we had a good mooch around town and got lots of bits and bobs we needed. i feel very relaxed today, i think its cos i have monday off as well so i have an extra day added on to the weekend so i dont have to cram as much into 2 days like normal, if you get what i mean.

heres my colorgenics mood analysis reults for today, again very accurate indeed:

You are striving for a life full of activity and experience and, perhaps even more, an environment where you would be able to forge a close bond with a person who can offer full emotional fulfillment.

You are very talented, imaginative and sensitive but you are holding back as you do not really like going it 'on your own'. In preference you would like to team up with someone, someone with similar attributes as your own, to explore - to seek out and go perhaps 'where no other man has gone before'. It is the unusual that attracts you and which will give you a sense of excitement and adventure.

You lack confidence and that is a great pity because deep down you are indeed a warm caring person. This lack of confidence is making you wary of being drawn into any open discussion or conflict and so you feel as if you should let matters lie and leave well alone. But there may be a pleasant surprise in store for you. You are beginning to grow and very soon - sooner than you believed possible - this warm loving new you will be available for all to see and to appreciate.

Presently, you are experiencing stress because of restriction on your independence. You need and seek respect from other people and it is essential that they appreciate you for yourself and not for what they would like you to be. You have your own beliefs and convictions and you would like to be respected for them. You are anxious to avail yourself of every opportunity that may come your way but nevertheless, come what may, you have the need to control your own destiny without imposed limitations or restrictions.

You don't like authority and you rebel against all forms of limitation. You are your own person and you intend to stay that way and to get on in the world simply by your hard work and determination.


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