October 18, 2004

just got back from the doctors... i have flu with a chest infection and swollen tonsills too.. the nice doctor gave me a 7 day course of antibiotics which are apparently very strong according to my mum the pharmacist and told me to stay off work for the rest of the week too. just told work and theyre cool about it, might be cos its my boss's birthday tho and we sorted out a cool pressie and card for him.

i went to the shop on the way home after getting my antibiotics and got 2 huge bottles of lucozade, which always make you feel a bit better.

i've also ordered tony hawk underground 2 from www.play.com which should be here tomorrow or the day after to occupy me later in the week

*hugs* to Mr Ste too who's poorly as well. i hate this time of year cos everyone gets sick when the weather starts to change.


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