December 17, 2004

jesus what an eventful night i had on wednesday! went to lexys after work, had tea, and then a little later got a phonecall from lee saying that when he was on the bus home a brick had been thrown at the bus, it had come through the window and hit him in the face!! totally shocked but strangely calm i made my way to the royal to meet him as he was on his way in an ambulance.

when i saw him there was a lot of blood which made it seem a lot worse than it was. when he was cleaned up they found he had one deep cut above his eyebrow, and a couple of cuts just outside his eye, and then a lot of damage to his ear. at the bottom on the inside theres a little lump (not the tragus) which was hanging off, the earlobe was ripped away, and there was a big flap of skin inside the ear that was exposing cartilage as well as lots of minor scratches and cuts.

after he had an x-ray to make sure there was no glass embedded in any of the cuts they set to on fixing him. they first sewed up the cut by his eye, which was only a centimetre away from his eye so he's been very lucky. after that they started on the ear, doing some reconstructive stitching to make sure the bit that was hanging off would stay on, and the lobe was sewn back down. they also cleaned his ear up as best they could as it was filled with blood and gunk.

lee was exceptionally brave throughout, especially considering that the local anaesthetic didnt work very well. he stayed calm, telling them when they were causing him a lot of pain but not in a melodramatic way. it took a long time to fix lee up as it was a very tricky procedure, we ended up getting out of the hospital after 1am!!

lee's doing very well, he originally had his ear packed with gauze, with a dressing over it and a big bandage round his head to hold it on. he's been to the hosiptal today and they've removed the dressings as you can see on my fotolog. it still looks very painful and theres stitches that are coming out on monday.

the whole thing makes me so mad!! those chav/scally tits didnt even care what they were doing or who got hurt when they thought it was funny, big and hard to throw a brick at a bus!! lee could have been hurt a lot more, he was very lucky indeed. they didnt care if anyone got hurt, it could have been anyone, a small child, a pensioner, they didnt give a damn. they couldnt have the guts or courage, they wouldn't dare go up to someone, one on one, and have a fight, let alone say anything to them without their mates being there to back them up.

its very unlikely they'll ever catch the bastards that did it, but if they do i hope they rot in prison, although its unlikely that they will. theyll just get a slap on the wrist or some community service, and where's the justice in that?? it makes me so mad that people get away with stuff like this.

Watched - Hollyoaks
Listened to - System of a Down - Sugar
Ate - Nothing yet, feel too sick
Drank - A cup of coffee
Said - okies, speak to you later
Read - Ste's blog
Created - wrapped everyones pressies
Arranged - to speak to lee later
Fixed - nothing
Bought - milk, bog roll, electricity cards
Shaved - my legs
Drove - myself to keep on walking even though the wind was bitingly cold
Broke - pieces of celotape
Borrowed - league of gentlemen dvd
Promised - to get some rest and stay cheerful
Washed - Dishes
Laughed At - ste's blog and his blunkett one liner
Realised - that i need to get a belt or my trousers are going to fall down
Hurt - i hurt all over with flu-like pains
Downloaded - ipod update


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