August 26, 2002

grrr keeep fucking my blog up! anyways, here goes again

had a good night out on saturday, was very very drunk tho. couldnt believe skippy, alan and laydee k got ID'ed! i was kind of offended that me and jude didnt, but at the same time if we hadnt got in without being id'ed then we wouldve been screwed cos we didnt have id either. it was a real shame that laydee k couldnt get in cos we'd had a really good night up to then!

we started off at 5.30 at my work when we went next door to the pub. we had a few drinks, were joined by people from work for a while, and had a jug of cocktails and some chips. we then went up to tescos where laydee k bought a banana - yes, just the one. we then pinballed our way up bold street to meet gaz. we then went to the pilgrim, the firkin, blakes and then the philharmonic before going to the KH.

when skippy did come back we had a kewl time dancing like nutters. i probably made a tit out of myself but if i cant rememebr it then it musnt have happend, yeah?

Skippy lady your new boots are totally amazing, i'm very jealous indeed! i gotta get myself something like that, maybe the flame new rocks... we shall see..

i had already written this post and it was much longer and impressive (oo-er) but then i managed to mess it up whilst trying to correct another problem!!!!!!!! oh well!


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