August 16, 2002

yay for me!! i got the telewest job i wanted and i'm chuffed to bits!!! i start a week on tuesday. we have to do 3 weeks training first, which is quite intense, but after that we're let lose on the phones and stuff. i handed in my notice today, and it went much better than i expected it to... i was shitting myself beforehand but my boss was great about it. i'm really gonna miss some of the people at work cos they're brill, but i'll be going in to see them all the time!! i'm so pleased that i got this job cos this was the one i wanted most out of all the ones i applied for. i've been trying to make a change in my life for ages and havent been able to yet, and i've taken the first steps and i cant wait!!!!!

robs got a new part time job working in the burger bar bit of the krazy house 3 nights a week. i'll get top see him less but if it means he has a job then i'm happy for him and stuff. its his first night tonight. its good in a way cos i'll be able to spend more time with my girly friends, who sometimes get neglected... if you get what i mean...... its gonna be difficult to get used to the change but i'll cope!!!!

going to lexys tomorrow night for a girly night in.... looking forward to it :D

aawww my little doggy lucy has just crept in, wandered round a bit, realised how hot it was and then plonked herself right infront of my fan.... what a sensible dog.... she looks so content now!!! bless....


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