September 04, 2002

*big hugs* to skippy cos she's off work today. hope you get better soon hunny! xxxxx i'm not feeling too healthy myself but i havent been as bad as you by the sounds of it.

go see Vicky/krazycricketbirds new blog - Rizzo the rat. go see her recent account of the leeds festival - hilarious!!! i havent seen her in ages but i will get round to it soon, i promise!!!!!!!

had a nice evening at robs last night. the boys were round for a bit but we still had a good amount of nice quality time together, which was lovely. he started his new college course in vehicle recreation yesterday at liverpool community college and he really thinks he's going to enjoy it, which is so kewl! we're both finally sorting our lives out in the way we want and getting our arses in gear and stuff. we'll be grown ups one day!!

can't believe its only wednesday! my concept of what day of the week it is is all mixed up cos i'm not used to working 5 says in a row and then having the weekend off like most people. after 2 more weeks of training we go onto a rota where we work every other weekend and have 2 weekdays off during that week. which is all fine with me. we have to work to a shift pattern where we work 2 weeks out of 12 till midnight, 2 till 10, 4 weeks out of 12 we work 8-4.30 and then others inbetween. it isnt as bad as we all expected it to be! hopefully i'll moving sometime soon so it'll be even easier and cheaper to get to and from work.

recently theres been a lot of people backstabbing other people, and i just dont get it, its pathetic. i mean we're all civil to people we dont like at one point or another, but to act like you're someones friend to their face, and make out that they can trust you and confide in you and you're going around bitching about them to anyone and everyone at the same time is just low. i mean, do people really have such sad lives that they have to pretend that they have more friends than they really have, and then try and make themselve look better (god knows how) by bitching to other people about their so called friends.

it just makes me mad! if i really dont like someone then i dont make out that i'm a good friend or lie to them in any way like that. of course i'm not going to tell them to piss off or be horrible to their faces, cos thats just immature and stupid. i mean to find out that a group of people you thought were your friends were just backstabbing you the entire time and never actually liked you at all doesnt upset me cos of the fact that they're not friends, it upsets me cos of the lies and the two-facedness from people you thought you could trust, confide in, and rely on.

i think that these people should get a life and grow up. one day they'll suddenly realise that they dont actually have any friends themselves cos they've realised what kind of person they really are and that they dont want anything to do with them. as the saying goes, what goes around comes around......


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