September 13, 2002

well, the test wasnt quite as bad as i expected it to be. it wasnt easy by any means but it wasnt too painful. you could feel the massive stress levels in the room tho, was kinda freaky. i was the second person to finish, with my mate karina finishing just after me. we were gonna go for a pint but by this point is was after 5 and she had to get off as she was going out and stuff, so i texted skippy to see if she fancied a pint and thankfully she'd already arranged to go for one.

so, i trundled round to skips work and met her outside and we then went to sams bar, on tithebarn street to meet up with her boy Alan and some of his mates from work. the place was full of 30 year old ish men in suits, even tho it wasnt posh itself. it was ok tho i guess. we had a couple of pints and a good chat before going home. Alan's kewl but i rarely get the chance to sit down and have a sober chat with him. after a good natter and a couple of pints we went our seperate ways. it seemed that we'd al had a very heavy day and just needed to go home and flake out. so we did....

been trying to sort the computer out again... harry from work gave me his disc of windows ME and its installed itself nicely, but for some reason when its connected to the internet it wont do anything useful which is really fucking annoying!!! he's on yahoo at the moment, thinking of ways to solve the problem (what a star) so keep your fingers crossed for me!!!!


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