had a cool weekend.
rob had his driving test on saturday and he passed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he only got 5 minor faults too, which is pretty darn good!!! i'm so proud of him, he was so nervous beforehand but i knew he'd pass!!!!! its soooooooo cool!! anyways, in the afternoon we DROVE into town, did some shopping, and then came home for tea. after tea we DROVE back into town and went to the odeon to see Lord Of the Rings - Two Towers. my god that film is just totally fucking amazing. the battle scenes are so fantastic its untrue! theres some really scary bits but also some hysterically funny bits as well. such as when Gimley (the dwarf) asks Aragorn to toss him :o) it was loads better than the first one but its bound to be, due to the nature of the book. the first film was made up of mostly introducing characters and building up the plot for the rest of the book, which is obviously essential. i'd definitely go see it again too....
orlando bloom - legolas, and Viggo Mortenson - Aragorn, were the best as far as i'm concerned. they should both win serious amounts of awards. i mean, everyone else was brilliant too, but they were just that little bit better! i'm really taking a fancy to orlando bloom too..... hmmmm.....but he's not as wonderful as rob of course
today, after breakfast, iwent shopping in town with rob and his sister charlotte for a few last minutes pressies, and then we drove to my house, swapped pressies and then they went home.... quite a busy weekend :o)
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