January 10, 2004

the new job is going fine, still doing the boring stuff about the policies and stuff at the moment but its going ok. went for a drink after work on friday with Dawn (the amercian one) and Ste from training, which was nice, we just had a couple and had a nice gossip. i'm glad the weekends here now as i got to have a nice lie in, but i'm not dreading going back on monday.

The secondnature gig was great on thursday. i took something like 90 photos, i will get time to plough through them all soon damnit!!!! the turn out wasnt too bad considering the time of year and day all all that. the boys played really well :o)

been battering Tony Hawk Underground on the PS2 lately. i've nearly finished it now. Its such a damn good game with loads of variety and stuff to keep you interested. Just cant wait for baldurs gate 2 to be released now!!!

going to the lovely laydee k's tonight to watch loads of eddie izzard, which will be cool as eddie is a god, end of story. we're gonna have a nice clilled night with loads of food and booze :o)

dont you just hate the way some people think theyre so damn siginifcant that you'd really give a shit if they spoke to you or not. its just damn childish to behave like the world revolves around you 24/7. there are so many more important things to think about in life that i really couldnt give a shit about people who behave like that. lifes too short and i'm better than that.

i've done it myself before now, but it is stupid to ignore people for any reason. if i have a problem with someone i tell them, its that easy. its playground antics to say "i'm not talking to him/her", that really is a sign that you need to grow up and get a clue. if you have an issue with someone then surely its best to talk to them about it? unless you're too much of a coward of course, which is probably the case.

Missy Elliott - Under Construction


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