April 14, 2004

yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay for snarlie!!!!! the new place is very cool, i'm so excited and chuffed for you!! we went to look at the flat this evening, the advert didnt sound that promising but it was a different story when we got there. its a large bedsit in this fucking HUGE old house that has 4 floors, thankfully this flat is only on the 1st floor. it isnt perfect by any means but its very bloody good for the money and its gonna be very cool indeed. its also just round the corner from where me and skip live which will be fun. we're gonna get everyone to re-locate to round here eventually damnit!!! i'm really pleased that mr snarlie can move out of the house he's in now cos most of them are stuck up wasters and he's better than that :o)


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