August 02, 2004

well monday wasnt too painful, apart from the early start. i seemed to have been missed in work, was far too quiet and boring without me it seems :o) today went really quickly and it was nice catching up with my good friend julie and others. only 3 weeks to go before i start training for my new job, i cant wait. julies starting the same time as me as well, so i'll have some company, which is cool. it'd feel weird going to another department all by myself.

my new rats are settling in nicely. they seem to be comfortable and used to their new surroundings now. they have mad moments where they play and chase each other up and down the cage, which makes me laugh, theyre sooooooo cute!!

anyhoo, i'm off to wash my hair so that i dont have to do it at 6am tomorrow morning and then race to dry it x


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