April 21, 2002

hiya all!!!

managed to get back on here in less than a week!!!!!!!!!

had a fairly peaceful weekend... rob was with me on friday night, i worked on saturday, and then stayed in by myself on saturday night. My parents were away so had to stay here overnight cos i have dogs. I couldnt go out an drink cos i'm still on antibiotics which make me feel shit. Rob couldnt come round because he had organised to go out with some old friends of his from school who he hasnt seen for ages. The only person who lives anywhere near me, Joolia, was out too so i couldnt go round to hers!!! I thought i'd get incrediobly bored but it wasnt too bad i guess. I just watched crappy tv and played on the internet.

I've created my own little micro-site today as well.... theres not much on it at the moment, its just a baby site too so there wont be many pages or anything! But theres a guestbook on there so go sign it!!!!! Lady H's site!!

Its my mums birthday today... i think she's 54..ish..... i always forget. I sang down the phone to her this morning when she rang. I had to get my revenge cos everyone did that to me on my birthday! I cant imagine being 54.... seems kinda surreal that i'll (hopefully) reach that age one day!!!

My cyst thing is almost better now. Its not cuasing me any pain now but there's still some of the lump left. I've almost finished my antibiotcis too so i hope its gonna go soon otherwise i'll have to go back and i really really dont wanna have to do that! I hate being on antibiotics because it makes choices for me. I can cope without drinking for a long time but i like to be able to make the decision for myself whether to drink or not! I really wanted to go out on saturday night but i couldnt because i couldnt drink (the krazy house is scary when you're sober) and the antibiotics make me feel a bit groggy cos they're very strong. Anyways, i'll hopefully make up for lost time next weekend.

I've got a few days off next weekend which should be nice. I'm on holiday from work thursday-sunday, which'll be a good break. I've got quite a few weekends off because in my work we all had to book what time we wanted off and i got there after everyone else had done theirs, so i had to squeeze my time off between everyone elses!! Ah well!

Theres a couple of decent gigs this week, Fenix Tx on tuesday and capdown on friday... i might go to them... havent decided yet. Just had some great news about a gig i'm going to see. On july 11th, no doubt and green day are playing at old trafford cricket ground.. which in itself is good, but i've just heard that they are also going to be supported by another of my favourite bands - Less than jake!!! I've been meaning to see them for ages and ages but i've never got round to it. Its gonna be such a good gig!!!!

Anyways, i'm, off for now....

Lady H


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