was getting bored of doing web tests but this one deserves respect:
Which Izzard Are You?

Kid Izzard: You still find a way to look at life in an innocent way, even though those around you marvel at your naive opinions. But the world wasn't made just for the grown-ups around you, so dodge your subway fare and get the most out of life!
thanks to AK for that one!!!!!!
i'm looking forward to going on saturday.... i've already started getting ready!!!! well, i've painted my nails anyway!! gonna dye my hair later too prolly! i wonder if theres a record for the longest time ever taken to get ready for a night out??
no one's online at the moment... its kinda weird... vicky/kcb was on for about a minute but shes gone out now.... not used to no one being around... theres no one on yahoo or msn..... ah well.
blogger's being poo as well. its letting me save this post but its having server problems so i cant publish it for all you lovely people to see....
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