September 15, 2002

met laydee k in town yesterday, we mooched around a bit, i bought some new nose studs, we both bought kewl tops from 55/WRC cos we deserve it and then we went to her house. she's now living off aigburth road with skippy's cousing ali. they have a really really lovely flat, the only downside is that to get in the building theres tons and tons of stairs!!!!! so anyways, we mooched round there for a bit, watched eddie izzard, had a chippie tea, and then went over to lexys. at lexys we watched monsters inc, pop stars and other programmes and had a very nice girly night. it was nice to see 3 of my girly mates this weekend (4 if you include joolia who i got a lift into town off on firday, as per usual) cos i dont get to see them enough, except sometimes in the krazyhouse.

so, around lunchtime today i left lexys and went into town. bought myself a nice smart pair of wide leg trousers for work from dorothy perkins and then came home. they're really confy trousers, which is a must. if i'm gonna wear smart stuff its got to be really nice and i dont just make do with something i dont like much. its odd how much sizes change depending on what shop you go to. i can be anywhere between a 14-18 depending on what shop you go in, its very bizarre!

oooOOO scandal! on the way home today the bus got stuck in a big traffic jam and it transpired that this was because an off-licence had been held up by someone with a gun and there was about 10 police cars, police with riot gear and guns and ambulances there! not sure what actually happened, whether anyone was actually shot or not but its all very scary! i saw a police woman walking out of there carrying the big riot shield things and a policeman carrying a big bag that i think had guns in it!!!!!!! it was only a little bloody bargain booze!!!!!!!

kinda looking forward to and dreading work tomorrow. its our first day actually on the phones today. we're still in training and most of the time we'll be working in pairs and helping each other out, but its still very scary!! but at the same time i'm looking forward to putting the stuff we've learnt to use and doing the actual job. i'd like to be a month down the line where i'm more confident and i've got used to everything properly.


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