February 21, 2003

had a good day yesterday, went to the tate in the afternoon with karina to see their latest exhibiton, which was just fantastic!! some of it was a little odd but other parts were just amazing! i wanna go again. went to weight watchers after that. got weighed and found that i'd lost a measly fucking pund. i had hoped to lose more, but i guess its better than putting it on.

went to lexys after that. was forced to watch buffy and angel, and then we played a role playing type game on the PS2 called Balders Gate, which is cool. its a 2 player game where you have to walk around killing various things, and collecting money, potions, armour, weapons and stuff like that, all which help you to become harder. also, the more things you kill, you clock up more experience points, which you then use to improve various skills and abilities, which are different, depending what type of character you are. its very hard to describe properly, but take my word for it, it's a lot of fun.

we really really got into the game and ended up staying up till 5am playing it! i kepy thinking, i'll go to bed soon, but we finally decided to call it a day at 5am so we could actually go to bed before it started getting light. we played the game a bit more this morning and then i left allys. I went to the flat and me and Karina went to the carpet place to choose the carpet thats going to go in my room. i chose a deep charcoal type colour, which'll be lovel and wont show stains up etc etc. so that was chosen, and then we arranged to get it fitten a week on monday, which is the first time when we're off that they had free to come and fit it. i cant wait to start getting my room sorted. its gonna be so lovely, a proper place of my own, not just my childhood room, or my student digs, but my room in my flat!! (and karinas of course!!!)

i'm in robs now, just popped online to check my emails and stuff before tea. so i'd better shoot off......


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