April 19, 2003

sooooo had a nice week last week. was rushing around everywhere, seeing old and new friends and basically having fun. got pissed lots, went to a gig and stayed out of the sun. all in all, it was fun :o)

am off to laydee k's this evening, its her "leaving aigburth" party, she's moving in with lexy in speke in a month or so. should be fun, lots of people are going. cant be out too late or get too pissed tho as i have work at 9 in the morning :o( but as i live 5 minutes up the road its all good.

its my mums birthday on monday, trouble is, i cant remember how old she is!! she's in her late fifties, i know that much!! i'm going over there after work on monday and staying over after being fed. on tuesday i'm meeting the lovely Jude (who i used to work with) and we're going for tea and then going to see the Bluetones at liverpool uni. should be cool, bit of a blast from the past tho!!!!

am meeting skippy for a bit on weds and then going to lexys for the evening, for nice girly chats and to blast the last bit of Balders Gate (on the extreme level) on the PS2. after that we're gonna have to find a new 2 player game to amuse us for a few months :o)


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