September 03, 2003

had a nightmare evening last night!!! i put my washing on and went to mooch round my room, the next thing k comes in saying that theres water flooding into the flat below!! the hose thingie connected to the washing machine is dodgy and is pissing water all over the floor. so we mopped up the water and waited for the plumber to arrive. he fixed it as best he could even though he's no responsible for it cos we fitted it ourselves, but he put a temporary fix in for now and told k she'd need to get some parts for it, which shes doing today.

i tried to sort out my washing but then the machine started to leak water out cos the hose was squished up where the plumber guy had connected it and the wtare was just backing up into the machine. so in the end i sat there with buckets emptying all the water i could out of the machine. so my soggy washing is still in the machine, hopefully it will get sorted once the new parts are put on. *sigh*

so anyhoo i'm in work for 3 days now and then off at the weekend *yay* and anna is home as well *yay* and we're all out at the weekend *yay again* and i can get my tongue bar replaced with a smaller one on saturday *yay again!*


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