first day back at work after the bank holiday weekend over and done with, thanks god! the customers are always really fucking annoying after weekend or bank holiday cos they always leave it till after those time to call, like theyve forgotten we live in the 21st century or something!! very few call centres dont open on a bank holiday for fucks sake!!
thankfully i was in a pretty chilled mood today, decided not to let the bastards get me down and just coast through the day happily, which worked a treat. i couldnt be arsed working dead hard today, i usually work very hard as it makes the time go fast and i dont get bored but i couldnt be arsed today. the systems also kept going down for most of the first half of the day so all we could do is tell people to call back and then sit there and chat, which is always good.
heres my colorgenics results for today.......
You are longing for some love and affection at this time - not that you have been deprived of tender loving care - but there are times when everyone needs to try something new or to go 'somewhere' else to perhaps experience that little extra 'understanding'.
Now there are many things in life that you require as essential to your well-being but, try as you may, something always seems to be getting in your way. A word of advice - 'keep trying' and you may be pleasantly surprised to see just how matters turn out.
You feel truly deprived - not getting your fair share, but you have accepted the fact that that is the way things are at this time and that it is prudent to let matters slide and not hit your head against the wall -so conform and agree for a while. Accept the situation - nothing can last forever.
You pretend that you are a carefree individual and that nothing really bothers you - that you are so self-sufficient that whatever problems beset you they simply flow off you as water flows off a ducks back. You are experiencing considerable stress, trying to conceal yourself from the rest of the world. In actual fact - deep down, you are not at all happy. You feel lonely and you need someone with whom you can 'Let your hair down' and share your hopes, dreams and high standards. You are imposing unnecessary self restraint on yourself. You would like to demonstrate the unique quality of your character to all and sundry.
Sometimes one fears that its not worth formulating new ideas and projects because whatever you seem to have done in the past has never worked out and you are tired of, as they say, banging your head against a brick wall. No one seems to care. So now you are trying to get away from it all by withdrawing into a 'fantasy land' but unfortunately 'fantasy land' is just that and sooner or later you will have to return to reality so why delay the inevitable? When you do return, you will find that the situation is not as tough as perhaps you thought it was
and now colorgenics what kind of god would you be test:
You are a jealous god. A really jealous god. In fact, you don’t see why anyone needed to write a new testament in the first place, because the old one worked just fine. Smite your enemies, an eye for an eye, pits of everlasting fire… you are not a god to be dismissed lightly.
and now colorgenics who's your celebrity love match quiz results.....
Your independence is something you value more than anything else, so your ideal celebrity match would be none other than bad-boy Johnny Depp. The defiant, loner type wouldn’t care if, say, you didn’t call for a few days in a row. The only problem could be a lack of communication that might lead to a lot of pent-up anger and frustration.
maybe we are meant to be together after all!!! woooo hooooooo!!!
and one last colorgenics test - how much have you changed since last year....
Since last year, you've likely changed to meet the goals you set for yourself, while still maintaining who you, fundamentally, are.
Though your changes may not have come over night, come they did. And, because you're more like the tortoise than the hare (slow and steady wins the race), these changes will be meaningful, deep, and most importantly of all-lasting, no matter what your ultimate end was.
and i'm spent, good night x
June 01, 2004
my sometimes dull, sometimes exciting life!
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