October 05, 2003

ooooooooOOOOOooooo!! baldurs gate - dark alliance 2, is out on the 31st october
i cant wait!! heres a review from the amazon site:

The first game was good, but the second is better! There are more charcters, 5, more acts, 4, and more than 80 levels! Even the classes of adventurer ave been modified and the game goes even deeper into individualizing the different characters. There are a few more spells and the weapons are uch cooler than in the first game. A great thing is that now you can make your own weapons by collecting raw materials like woods, metals and even jewels, Final Fantasy style!
The DVD is also cool, it gives a quick review of what happened in the first game and even has some tips for newcomers about the classes and what the differences between them mean.

A good buy for hack-n-slash gamers, an even better buy for anyone with any interest in Baldur's Gate and other RPGs


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