February 15, 2004

had a good weekend overall. went to lexys on friday night, battered baldurs gate and ate subway, which is always good. she and the bump are keeping well. i stayed over and just spent the morning watching tv and chatting before coming back home.

on saturday afternoon lee came round and i made my first italian cottage pie :o) its kind of a cross between spag bol and cottage pie and its gorgeous but quite lengthy to make at the same time, but also well worth it. it makes about 4 very large portions too, and it keeps well in the fridge so it'll keep me fed for a few days :o)

after tea we played baldurs gate for a few hours, had a few cans and then decided to join skip, al, the boys, mr nick and the lovely joey in the krazy house. skip made me down a bottle of pink red square after i got there, but i made a deal with her that if i did it she had to buy us a tequila each, which she did, and it was downhill, or uphill depending on your point of view, from there :o)

there was lots more drinking to follow and lots of mad dancing and air guitaring and it was a very cool night. it was a shame that miss velvet couldnt have been there, shes always missed *hugs* and also laydee k too *hugs* i'm sure we'll have a good night out soon tho :o)

anyhoo, i'm off for now xxx


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