September 19, 2002

*yawn* very tired today... been a hard one, but still very fun at the same time. had the usual difficult and brilliant calls all day. i think its all starting to fall into place and stuff now tho. i'm not getting as confused as i did at the start and i'm asking for help less and doing more stuff automatically. on monday we all split up and go into seperate teams which will be a bit scary, but kewl at the same time cos we're starting our jobs properly, if you get what i mean.

not doing anything tomorrow night, might go for a bevvie after work, but not for long i dont think. on saturday i'm going into town for a bit, then going to robs for a while in the afternoon. then i'm off to laydee k's for muchos drinkage which'll be kewl. then on sunday its lightyear at the cavern!!!!!!!!! i cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

not much to write really, feeling quite drained..... ah well


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