February 20, 2004

yaaaaaaaay i've seen lexy's first scan pictures!!!!!!!!! its sooooooo exciting i mighyt explode!! seriously!! i'm at hers at the moment. she and her cousin kirsty are making cinder toffee in the kitchen as she had a craving for it. so she did what any sensible mother to be shold do, got online and found a recipe for it!!!

went to the swan last night with snarlie and skip. we had quite a few pints and a good giggle, which is always good :o) got some photos developed from the night out before xmas which shall be online soon. i#ll also have some new pics soon as a few people are coming to warm my house for me tomorrow night :o)

jooooolia came to mine on monday night and dyed my hair for me, shes such a genius!!! she did such a good job of my hair, i now have bright red streaks!!! shes soooooo damn clever!!

anyhoo, i'm off to have a small portion of cinder toffee!!!


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