February 27, 2004

yaaaaay another blog entry so soon!!!!

god the end of a looooooooooong week thank god!!! seems to have dragged badly!! but hey, i have a 4 day week to look forward to next week cos i'm off on friday. i also get lie ins as i'm on the 12-8 shift :o)

went to the lovely lexy's tonight bearing gifts of subway sarnies :o) god i love subway, their sweet onion chicken teriyaki sarnie is the best ever, and as i have standards it has to be a footlong baby!!!!!!! ;o)

whilst we were at allys we had a look at the new Final Fantasy X2 PS2 game. now i'm not a fan of final fantasy games but this one does look good, if very cheesey. i might even be tempted to get it at some point!! its still very complicated to play but it seems very addictive and keeps you interested rather than getting bored after a few weeks.

god i cant believe we had snow last night!!! i went into the kitchen and looked up at the velux window, and it was covered in white stuff, and was getting whiter. so i went and had a look out of the bedroom window and got the shock of my life to see the whole street covered in snow!!! getting out of the house this morning was a nightmare. theres 2 big steps outside my door and they were convered in ice so i took loads of time getting down them to avoid going on my arse.

i walked soooooooo slow to the bus stop, narrowily avoiding going on my arse so many times!! i'm suprised i managed to make it. and when i got into work i knew it'd bve a busy day as i work in car insurance and once theres ice on the roads its gets mad busy. 99% of my clients that phoned in all day had skidded on ice.

anyhoo, i'm off to get some sleep and stuff, ta ta for now xx


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